Snapshots from the field: New network in Tartous

Keeping humanitarians safe in uncertain times:
In times of crisis, access to a hand-held radio device can provide an immediate and effective line of communication for responders in the deep field. The value of radio communication as a tool for humanitarians is well known in the Syrian context.
Almost a year’s worth of effort came to fruition this week as the ETC delivered this vital service in Tartous.
Once considered a vacation spot for many Syrians, Tartous has not escaped the impact of the country’s decade-long conflict. Lying on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded to the east by mountains, the city hosts over 120 humanitarians who respond to the needs of the displaced and the crisis-affected.
The new network in Tartous means humanitarians can focus on delivering assistance to those who need it most, supported by the knowledge that a dedicated responder from UNDSS is just a click away.