Global ETC Teleconference

Nepal Global ETC teleconference #17

11:00 am GMT

Dear colleagues,


You are invited to participate in the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Global Teleconference on Nepal to discuss the current situation, ICT capacity and preparedness plans/activities.


Date:                          Wednesday 21 October, 2015



0900 UTC

1100 Rome/Geneva

1300 Dubai

1445 Kathmandu

1600 Bangkok


Agenda:                               Update from ETC Cell

                                                Update from the participants



Meeting Link:         


Access Code:                     821 357 031


Password:                           Etc2015

Previous minutes:


All documentation related to the ETC response is posted on the ETCluster website. For more information, visit:


Country page:          



Membership is required to access the forum:




Accessing Teleconference using - Computer or Handheld Device with a WebEx App:


Click on the ‘Meeting Link’ above.
Enter the ‘Access Code’ and ‘Password’.
Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Voice Options - COMPUTER

Click “Call using computer”.

Voice Options - PHONE

Click “Use phone – I will call in”.
Dial number from attached call in list and enter the ‘Access Code’.
From a WFP office, dial 1301 7103 from the WFP FoodSat Network and enter the ‘Access Code’.


Accessing Teleconference using - Phone:


Dial number from the WebEx Global Toll-Free Dial-in numbers list and enter the ‘Access Code’.
From a WFP office, dial 1301 7103 from the WFP FoodSat Network and enter the ‘Access Code’.
To receive a call back:

Provide your phone number when you join the meeting.
Email your phone number to prior to the meeting.


Accessing the meeting may take a few minutes if it is your first time.



Best regards,


Nepal ETC team