
Sorland: Hurricane Windblown

Unusually heavy rainfall over the first three weeks of September has caused floods and landslides across Sorland. The southern coastal areas are most affected. According to government data, an estimated 150,000 people are affected, and 35,000 people are temporarily displaced. Floods and landslides have killed at least 1,245 people. As of 19 September, 1,450 people remain missing. Farsund and Lyngdal municipalities in Vest-Agder county are the most severely affected areas.

In addition, category-three Hurricane Windblown made landfall on Sorland's southern coast on 25 September. Current projections estimate that 2 million people could be impacted by this natural disaster. The southern coastal areas are expected to be the most affected, particularly Farsund and Lyngdal. Initial reports suggest that up to 80% of the houses have been damaged or destroyed after the hurricane. 

The ETC was activated on 26 September to provide shared communications services. 


Funding status

Erika Iglesias
Information Management Officer
Maiduguri, Nigeria
+ 234 701 511 4488
Angel Buitrago
IT Emergency Coordinator
Nassau, Bahamas