CAR: Services for Communities Assessment 2019
The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Services for Communities (S4C) conducted a series of interviews and held focus group discussions with community leaders, community delegates and randomly selected adult male and female groups in Bangassou, Kaga Bandoro and Bria between 15—25 of January 2019. The team surveyed approximately 270 people living in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) sites and host communities at these three locations in the Central African Republic (CAR). The assessment aimed to identify the information that matters most to IDP communities and to understand if and how they access information, the technological means of communication and information available to communities and challenges to accessing information. Recommendations include creating information technology spaces to increase digital literacy among communities; providing affected populations with reliable voice connectivity services; and utilizing technologies to improve two-way communication with humanitarians. Read the full report.