Snapshots from the Field: Bringing Radio Vanuatu back on air

By Elizabeth Millership
Now – more than ever – there is a need to communicate across the distance. This is particularly true for Vanuatuans still struggling to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of Cyclone Harold, which crashed through the islands of Vanuatu with the force of a category 5 storm in early April.
The ETC is bringing broadcast radio transmission services back on air via the remote island locations of Santo and Malekula, where local implementing partner Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation (VBTC) is working to repair damaged broadcast towers.
“Vanuatu’s disaster affected communities, serviced by Radio Vanuatu, are missing their primary source of information for the situation in their areas, as well as for ongoing relief efforts,” explains Fred Samuel from the Pacific Group, which has been a key partner in the response.
Fred continues, “ultimately, disaster response efforts are heavily dependent on timely access to communication and reliable information.”