Teamwork in the Field Context

A core ETC competence, this course focuses on some of the key elements of teamwork and demostrates how working well in teams enables a better response to emergencies. |
GoalsThis session explains the importance of Teamwork and elaborates on some key elements which facilitate effective teamwork in the field. Through practical examples and real-life experiences, this module will teach you how effective teamwork can contribute to an effective emergency response and provide some tools and tips for application within a team context, while responding together to emergencies
Training course overviewWhat is teamwork? Personal and Team Preparedness
BenefitsAt the end of this session the student will be able to: Understand teamwork and key concepts
AudienceAll current and future ETC responders All those responding to emergencies and working with teams
Further informationThis is an online self-paced course and is recommended for all those responding with the ETC. For more information and/or to enrol, please reach out to