Ref. Number
Standard/Optional service
Activation time
1st week
Service summary text
Establishing a pre-determined help desk system that provides basic ICT support services related to the provided ETC services (connecting to the network, printers) on best effort basis.
Humanitarian workers need support to solve technical errors on laptops, cell/smart phones, cameras and GPS devices. They also need support with correct usage of equipment.

A helpdesk dedicated to support users on technical and user related errors on handheld ICT equipment. The helpdesk can give both hands-on support and guidance how to solve problems. There will be a reception with scheduled opening hours and a ticketing system to make sure that all issues will be properly handled. The helpdesk will be available for humanitarian workers from UN agencies and NGOs.

Service Description Status
Standard features
- Assist users with connecting to the ETC network
- Support users on hardware and software related errors
- Installation of software
- Assist users with connecting to a printer
- Guide users on how to use scanners and copy machines
- Guide users on how to use common software e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Erase viruses from computers and external memory devices
- Assist with downloading coordinates from GPS to computer
- Assist with downloading photos from camera to computer
Details of service level
Not applicable
Activation trigger

Emergency declared and ETC activated

Deactivation trigger

Emergency project completed and services are decommissioned or hand-over arrangements established (MOU)

Time for service delivery after activation
First week
Voice and Data services at least level D1.0 and D2.0 established.
Responsibilities of service recipients

- Recipients need to provide chargers/batteries for devices and cables/software to connect cameras and GPS devices to a laptop.
- Recipients need to provide valid license keys for any licensed software to be installed.

Specifications for end-user terminals

- PC with Windows XP, Vista or 7
- Microsoft Office 2003-2010
- Blackberry, iPhone, Windows Phone, Android phones
- Other brands, models and soft wares are supported on a best effort basis.
- Cameras and GPS devices are supported on a best effort basis due to the huge amount of brands and models available.

Cost to service recipients
No cost of the service during the project
Technical support
Not applicable
Maintenance arrangements
Not applicable
Name of provider(s)
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)