Working Group on Preparedness advised and supported the ETC network in being better prepared to respond to emergencies and support the response community.
The Response Readiness Tactical Working Group was merged with the Resilience Working Group under the title, "Preparedness Working Group", which launched in 2016 to support ETC network efforts in assisting the response community and governments to be better prepared to respond to, and recover from, emergencies.
A work plan of activities was established that grouped activities under the following focus areas and sub-categories to delegate to different organizations:
- ETC Operational Capacity (Operational procedures and guidelines, Local ICT WG and partners engagement etc.)
- Human Capacity (Roster of personnel)
- Community Resilience (Country profile and resilience activities)
- Solutions (ETC Services)
All ETC2020 Working Groups have since transitioned into a more ‘consultative’ type role, carrying forward activities that emerged from discussions. Further commitment from members is required to move forward preparedness activities forward.
Led by Ericsson Response, organisations which participated in the Preparedness Working Group included: Action Contre la Faim, Global VSAT Forum, Government of Luxembourg, GSMA, Save the Children, SES TechCom, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), US Department of State, and World Food Programme (WFP), supported by the Global ETC cell.