Emergency Telecommunications Workshop (Haiti) - March 2018
The National Telecommunication Council (CONATEL) and the Department of Civil Protection (DPC) of Haiti is hosting an Emergency Telecommunications Workshop in Port au Prince, Haiti. The workshop has been planned with the support of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) and the GSMA.
Date: 12 & 13 March 2018
Location: Marriott Hotel, Port au Prince, Haiti
For more information email: salma.farouque@wfp.org
This workshop will be the launch event for the Haiti Emergency Telecommunications Task Force (ETTF). During the workshop participants will be consulted on the task force’s terms of reference and commitment will be sought from ETTF members. A short emergency telecoms training will also be conducted.
The workshop will also kick-off the "DEWN" mobile-based early warning system (EWS) project for public alerts.
This workshop is supported by CONATEL (telecoms regulator), the DPC, AGERCA, the ETC (led by WFP), and the GSMA.