
CDAC Network Members' Forum

Geneva, Switzerland
09:00 am GMT

The CDAC Network is holding its Members' Forum in Geneva from 8 - 9 July, at the ICRC’s state-of-the-art Humanitarium.

The Forum will bring together CDAC Network Members and other key partners, such as the Emergency Telecoms Cluster, Map-Action, the GSMA (the global mobile association) and HAP, to showcase new initiatives, discuss learning from the past two years, and explore new partnerships. The Forum will also serve as an opportunity to identify and discuss major thematic issues related to communication with communities, with a view to making recommendations to the World Humanitarian Summit.

There will be panels on Communicating with Communities (CwC) in conflict environments; new technology; operational partnerships for effective delivery, and ‘institutionalisation’. There will also be a series of fast-paced ‘Ignite’ presentations showcasing communication and accountability efforts across the globe, including from East Africa, Nepal and Gaza.  Finally, there will be a Market-Place of media and technology innovations.

For more information visit: CDAC Network website

Recording from: CDAC Network Members' Forum - Panel 4: Partnerships for operational CwC 

Recording from: CDAC Network Member's Forum - Humanitarian Connectivity