This Emergency is no longer active.

Vanuatu: Tropical Cyclone Lola

ETC Activated
Emergency type
Asset 681
Natural disaster
ETC activation date

On 24 October 2023, Tropical Cyclone Lola made landfall in Vanuatu as a Category 4 storm. It was the third tropical cyclone to hit Vanuatu in 2023.

Telecommunications infrastructure and power supply were impacted. The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) -- led by the World Food Programme (WFP) in the Pacific -- supported the government-led response with three satellite phones and five prepaid SIM cards to support the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) teams with reliable field telecommunications for the initial rapid damage assessment in the outer islands. 

The national telecommunications services in the affected areas are recovering and the national cluster in Vanuatu is managing the response -- no further regional support has been requested. 


Key Operational Gaps
Asset 881
ICT Infrastructure Assessment
Min Sun
ETC Coordinator
Suva, Fiji
Namrita Chand
ETC Information Management Officer
Suva, Fiji
Supporting partners

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