Philippines: Typhoon Hagupit
Natural disaster

6 December 2014
Category 3 Typhoon Hagupit is due to make landfall on the Philippines on Saturday 6 December with winds up to 195kph. Known locally as ‘Ruby', the tropical storm is taking a similar path as Haiyan in 2013, however, forecast models indicate that the typhoon's track remains unpredictable. The storm is expected to bring strong winds, heavy rains and storm surges.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in coastal areas and moved to more stable structures such as schools, churches and gymnasiums. In Region VIII (areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan), humanitarian partners are supporting local authorities in mapping evacuation centres and movement of Typhoon Haiyan-affected people still living in tents.
On 3 December, the Government's emergency response clusters were convened in preparation for the typhoon. Government line agencies continue to pre-position goods and personnel in possible affected areas in central Philippines. A Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Centre will also be established and co-located in the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council's (NDRRMC) operation centre to support logistics operations.
Work and schools have been suspended effective 4 December, as well as flights cancelled due to weather.
Sources: OCHA, Government of the Philippines, BBC
The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) has not yet been activated, however it is monitoring the situation and will respond should emergency telecommunications support be necessary.
Humanitarian organizations responding to this emergency are encouraged to share updates with ETC members. Information can be sent to the Global ETC Support Cell for sharing.