ETC Annual Report 2022

Publication Date

The Global ETC firmly believes that access to reliable and efficient communications infrastructure is a fundamental right, especially in crisis and disaster-stricken regions. The cluster’s commitment to this cause drives the ETC to continually push the boundaries of innovation, and the Annual Report serves as a testament to the positive impact made throughout 2022.

The report provides a detailed overview of our initiatives, partnerships, and projects undertaken in various regions globally. It showcases the outcomes of our collaborative efforts with our partners from humanitarian organizations, government bodies, and private sector entities.

Key highlights of the Annual Report include:

  • Insights into our growing ETC capacity building initiatives
  • Updates on projects and initiatives in preparedness and services for communities, including case studies and success stories
  • An overview of the positive impact the ETC has made across its emergency operations

Let’s continue to take an innovative approach to the ETC’s vital work. With digital technology and data changing at an incredible pace, the positive impact of the ETC will only continue to grow. Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.