Governments around the world assist the ETC to provide timely, predictable, and effective communications services to all those responding to humanitarian emergencies.

The ETC works with governments as donors which support ongoing humanitarian emergencies as well as preparedness efforts. As part of its ETC2020 strategy, the ETC works with governments affected by disaster to increased communications resilience, helping them safeguard systems and prepare for responses when disasters strike. The ETC is currently working on government resilience projects in the Philippines.
The ETC is extremely grateful for contributions received from the following governments:
- Denmark, Japan, Lithuania, Switzerland and the USA for the Special Operation in Haiti
Belgium, Germany, UK, USA, and UN Common Funds and Agencies (CERF) for the Special Operation in Syria
Sweden for the Special Operation in Central African Republic
Canada, European Commission, Kuwait, Norway, Saudi Arabia, UN Common Funds and Agencies (CERF), USA for the Special Operation in Yemen
Canada, Japan, Kuwait, Sweden, the UK, and the USA for the Special Operation in Iraq
Sweden and Germany for the Special Operation in Nigeria
UN Common Funds and Agencies (CERF) for the opertion in South Sudan
- Australia, Canada and Japan for Special Operations in Nepal
- Luxembourg for Special Operations in Vanuatu
- Canada, Denmark, and the UK for Special Operations in Syria
- Luxembourg for Special Operations in the Republic of South Sudan.
- Saudi Arabia for Special Operations in Yemen
- Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Luxembourg and the USA for Special Operations in the Central African Republic
- Canada, Japan, Kuwait, USA, and the UK for Special Operations in Iraq
The ETC also has a number of government-funded partners which actively support its operations including:
- Office Of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA/ USAID)
- Kuwait and the UK for Special Operations in Iraq
- USA, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic for Special Operations in the Central African Republic
- Luxembourg for Special Operations in the Republic of South Sudan.
- Luxembourg for Special Operations in the Philippines, South Sudan and Mali
- Canada, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, the UK and USA for Special Operations in the Philippines
- Australia, ECHO and the USA for Special Operations in Syria.
The ETC also has a number of government-funded partners which actively support its operations including:
- Danish Refugee Council
- German Federal Agency for Technical Relief
- Irish Aid
- Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection & Emergency Planning
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
- Office Of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA/ USAID)
- Luxembourg for Special Operations in South Sudan and Mali
- The USA, Iceland and Denmark for the Special Operation in Mali
- Australia for the Special Operation in South Sudan
- Luxembourg
- European Commission, Iceland and The Netherlands for Special Operation in Libya
- Norway and Spain for Special Operations in Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia